September 18, 2003
Dear fans, friends & family

It's a late night and I'm awake because I made the mistake of trying to go to bed early. Inspired in part by Rich Terfry ( ) I've decided to start sending out occasional emails letting you know what's new. Oh, and I've decided that toast, especially cinnamon raisin, is the most underrated food on the market.

The last month has been a stressful one. I'm now finally starting to feel settled in my new apartment. I have my own room for my computer, which is wonderful - separating work from sleep is a great idea :) For the first time in about 6 years I don't have cable TV, so I'm worried my Red Sox will make the playoffs and I won't be able to watch, but it's all in the name of being more productive.

I've decided yard sale-ing is the most underrated weekend activity.

Lots has been going on extra-curricularly. This week, I got asked to be a judge for the 2004 Juno Awards, but it's still not official. I had a fun phone interview with Buck 65 ( ) yesterday, as we got to talk about his new album and some baseball. Tomorrow I interview another big rap group, Brassmunk ( ) for The Brunswickan ( ). At the end of July, I picked up another UMAC (Urban Music Association of Canada) Award as a staff writer for - we won for best On-line Publication/Website.

As PIMP-T, I've been quite busy. The legendary 'Super Dude', produced by my brother Colin, has finally been released on Freddy's Rock Pile Compilation. Pick up a copy at Backstreet Records, Digital World and soon online. Word is that there is a remix in the works.

Just pieced together my favorite song thus far which features Mickey D & Bonshah and the beat by Darrow Productions. I haven't decided when I'm going to release new material yet. I'd like to do some vinyl, but it's so expensive. Anyone have any advice? Hoping to get the album out for August 2004. Already about 10 songs deep, with 4 fully recorded, even happier with the results this time around.

I need your votes to open for The Salads in Fredericton. Go here:
Click the 'Vote Now' link, select 'PIMP-T' for the Oct. 2nd show in Fredericton, enter your province, and email and click vote!

If you live in Atlantic Canada and are interested in the music scene, look for Soundcheck Magazine ( ). It's a great monthly zine with which I've gotten involved. I'm also involved with FRED, a fresh new bi-weekly entertainment paper in Fredericton. The paper is taking a break for about a month, but watch for it to come stronger in late October.

Yes, I'm also still in school as well. I'm working on my masters thesis in CS at UNB. The topic, as some of you have asked, deals with helping to teach software testing to students. There often exists a big gap between academic experience and industry expectations when it comes to software testing. Oh yeah, I've been suckered into being Computer Science Association Secretary - but in all honesty, I like it. Interested in a membership? Drop me a line :)

Finally, watch out for local group, Dionisus, to be hitting your city in Canada. They're my favorite local band and they've got a great live show combining energy and humour... and Pierre Breau is like the sexy version of Conan O'Brien. Check them at

Thanks to Ryan Richard for the photo shoot and Evar Simon for the video shoot. Oh yeah, many a thanks to NB Sound Initiatives for providing a grant towards the costs of marketing & promotion my last album.

Finally, Happy Birthday JD LeJeune!

All the Best, Troy.

PS. I'm too lazy to translate for my French fans. Sorry.

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