Hip-Hop & the ECMAs - Part 3 of 5
Hip-Hop & the ECMAs
The Corner Brook Hip-Hop Struggle
Part 3 of 5
By Troy Neilson
Chad Hatcher was nominated for a 2009 ECMA in the CBC Galaxie Rising Star category for his work with Classified on 'Tunnels & Pathways.' He made it to Corner Brook, but not without struggling to overcome the challenges.
"I'm a dad and I work a day job, so when it comes to attending these sorts of events, it takes some strategic planning especially when you're not making piles of cash from music yet."
"When I was nominated, I didn't know if I'd be able to make it to Corner Brook for the event, so I didn't book any other showcases. But I managed to make it, and I was shocked and thrilled when they asked me to perform at the pre-televised portion of the gala show."

Classified passed up the chance to showcase at this year's ECMA festival and feels other hardworking rap artists should be getting similar opportunities.
"They asked me to do one of the showcases, but I'm getting ready to go on a big tour (Europe with D12) and I wasn't nominated for anything, so I figured it was a good time to get in some family time since I just had a baby."
"I can't hate on the ECMAs though. They're definitely noticing us. I just think the artists that are working, touring and releasing good music should be getting more attention."

Of the nine artists nominated for a 2009 ECMA award in the Rap / Hip-Hop Single Track of the Year category, Halifax's Joe Buck was the only one who travelled to Corner Brook. The reason for the lack of hip-hop artists in attendance was laid out by Joe Buck.
"There just aren't many opportunities for hip-hop artists here. The director of the celtic festival from Glasgow isn't interested in my music. I even stood up at a seminar and asked if any of the panel members would consider working with a hip-hop artist. They were honest and said 'no.'"

Fortunately there were still opportunities. Thursday night, Buck took advantage of the open mic at The Backlot and earlier in the day he took part in the 'Export Readiness Training Pitching Workshop.' He was one of 3 artists at the session chosen to pitch to some of the top names in the industry.
"I met face-to-face with David Hayman of Vapor Music Group who has selected music for everyone from the Blue Jays to car & beer commercials."
In today's industry, Joe Buck's approach to the conference is the best possible for a hip-hop artist.
Part 4 - Why was Hip-Hop side-stepped in Corner Brook & Hip-Hop Approach of other Music Award Festivals
Part 5 - Cape Breton in 2010 - Hip-Hop Suggestions
Part 1 - An Introduction - Hip-Hop Side-Stepped in Corner Brook
Part 2 - Popularity of Hip-Hop in Atlantic Canada & Showcases for Hip-Hop artists at the 2009 ECMAs
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